8 most common food allergens with substitutes

Wheat                                                                                             back to TOP

and it’s protein gluten is the a common grain and allergen. Other names: bread wheat latin name: Triticum aestivum L.

Sources of wheat can be found in a large variety of food products abd cooking recipes as well. Pastries, confectionaries, cakes, biscuits.Nearly all type of breads bought in bakeries or shops cibtaub wheat or wheat particles.

Allergy to wheat mostly caused by it’s proteins for example gluten. It triggers an immunoglobulin E response in the body which idenfies wheat particle as a treat and tries to defend. Results can be life treataning like anafilaxis. Anafilaxis is a serious overreaction in the body can cause serious symptoms and death.

Celiac – disease should not be confused with wheat allergy. It’s caused by gluten, one of wheat’s proteins and it can damage and irritate the small intestines.

Gluten intolerance is another milder reaction when the body is sensitive to gluten. Individual can experience proper symptoms when taking wheat containing foods. Consult your doctor, allergist or health care professional about the medical issues you have.

Avoiding wheat and gluten by eliminating wheat, barley and rye from your diet possibly work. It’s not enough to eliminate only wheat because other grains can be cross-contaminted
and contain gluten as well,

Gluten free products are the best choice for gluten sensitive or wheat allergic people because the product labeled gluten free not contain wheat particles or gluten. Check the food product labels before you buy them. You will be surprised how oftentimes you will find wheat or gluten in products.

Substitute wheat with gluten free grains: amaranth, arrowroot, buckwheat groats, corn and cornmeal, flax, rice, rice flour, soy flour, corn flour, potato flour, bean flour, hominy (a type of corn), millet, quinoa, sorghum, soy, tapioca, teff, rice, cassava, potato,beans,sorghum, quinoa, millet, teff, chia, yucca, gluten-free oats, nut flours

MILK or cow’s milk                                                                  back to TOP

Sources of milk and milk products can be found in a large scale of items in the stores. Almost every chocolate, sweets, desserts, cookies, biscuits, cakes, diary products, cheese, cottage cheese, yughurts, cappuchinos, butter contain milk or milk particles.

Allergy to milk can cause serious adverse reaction by an IgE immunoglobulin E triggered effect anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is an overreaction of the body, because it misidentifies a normally harmless material (for example milk) as a threat. This reaction can be deadly. Individual have a risk of anapylaxis must have epinephrine injection in their pockets and use it as an antidote when serious symptoms occur.

Lactose intolerance is not milk allergy.
Avoiding milk and milk products is possible. You should cook cakes, meals yourself and try to buy raw materials instead of convenience foods or junk foods.

Substitute milk with grain milks, rice milk, soy milk, lactose free milk (if you have lactose intolerance).
There are “soy milk maker” machines which can make milk for you from any kind of grain or nut.


Egg or chicken’s egg is a common allergen.          back to TOP

Sources of egg: chicken’s egg, egg products, cakes, ice-creams, sweets, seasonal flu vaccines, bar drinks, special drinks, coffee, specialities, pastas, pretzels.

Allergy to egg rarely can be serious as anafilaxis. It is an IgE type over-reaction responsed by the body. Mostly the allergens in eggs are the proteins such as: ovalbumin, ovomucoid, ovatransferrin, lysozyme. People allergic to chicken’s egg maybe allergic to other types of eggs like: goose, turkey, quail, ostrich

Avoid egg from your diet is the best management practice for this type of allergy. Read the label of food items before you buy.

Substitute egg
1. Mix 1 tablespoon water 1 tablespoon oil and 1 tablespoon baking powder.
2. Dissolve one packet of unflavored gelation with two tablespoon warm water.
3. mix one tablespoon yeast with 1 cup of warm water.


Soy                                                                                        back to TOP

Sources of soy: soy, soy products, baked goods, cereals, cookies, crackers, high protein bars, snacks, peanut butter, meat products, canned tuna, canned broth, canned soups, edamme, miso, soy albumin, shoyu, ice-cream, nurs, sprouts yoghurt, soy sauce, soy protein, tamari, tempeh, tofu.

Allergy to soy mostly decent, but rarely can cause anaphylaxis. Less than 2-3% of young children affected by soy allergy.

Avoid soy, soy containing food, food fried in any oil because they may have a cross-contact contamination by products contain soy.

Substitute soy with other legumes like beans, lentil, string-bean.


Shellfish                                                                              back to TOP

Sources of shellfish are a group of special seafoods. Consists of the crustacean group and mollusks. Crustacean group are shrimps, crabs, lobsters, crayfish, krills, barnacles.
Mollusks are mussels, clams, scallops, oysters, snails, slugs, squids, cuttlefish, octopus. Raw or cooked, canned or even part of any sauces can take action.

Allergy to shellfish usually come forward in adulthood and lasts for the lifetime. It can be life threatening and able to cause anafilaxis. Anafilaxis is dangerous caused by the overreaction of the body immunesystem against a harmless material triggered by immunoglobulin E antibodies. In shellfish cooking the vapour can contain airborne small shellfish protein particles
which is enough to cause allergic reaction of it’s own.

Avoiding sellfish is recommended if you are diagnosed allergic. Check the food labels and be aware of the products might contain shellfish.

Substitute shellfish with fish. Shellfish allergy does not mean you have allergy to all kinds of fishes. If you are allergic to shellfish, does not mean you are allergic to
to crustacean group and mollusks as well. Maybe just one group. Consult your doctor or allergist for more details.


Fish                                                                                       back to TOP

Sources of fish are salmon, tuna, catfish, cod, fish products, packaged fish, canned tuna, canned fish, cod liver, cod liver oil, worcestershire sauce, caesar salad, imitaiton crab products, surimi, asian cuisine, fish oil dietary supplements. Cross-contact contamination in cooking or manufacturing is enough to trigger allergies.

Allergy to fish can be two types. People can be allergic to fish protein or fish gelatin. Individual with fish allergy may develop anaphilaxis. Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction can cause death. Individual with the risk of
anaphylasis must have epinephrine injection to survive. Anaphylasis triggered by IgE antibodies, when the body overreacts the harmless food materials and handles it as an invader.

Avoiding fish, fish products, products contaminated with fish particles is the common treatment by allergists. Check the food labels fish content has to be shown in labels by law.

Substitute fish with another types of fish or shellfish.


Peanut                                                                                  back to TOP

Sources of peanuts: peanut is a legume not confused with tree nuts. Sweets, chocolates, cereals, baked goods, cookies, cakes, pies, asian cuisine, mexican cuisine, ice cream, sauces and products manufactured in a facility processes peanuts can be contaminated with peanut particles.

Allergy to peanut can be serious as anaphylaxis. 20% of children outgrown peanut allergy till adulthood. For others it will last for the lifetime.

Avoiding peanut is the major treatment, some allergists say avoid all nuts, tree nuts as well if you have a medical condition.

Substitute peanut with other nuts you do not have symptoms. Consult your doctor or allergist for more information.


Tree nuts                                                                             back to TOP

Sources of tree nuts are almonde, nuts, walnows, cashew, pine nut, lichee nut, chocolates, cakes, desserts,

Allergy to tree nuts usually lasts for lifetime and can be life threatening. Anaphylaxis is a dangerous overreaction of the immune system. Individual who has a risk to anaphylaxy
has to keep epinephrine on hand. Ask your allergist and follow your doctors instructions.

Avoid tree nuts is the best way to stay on the safe side when the allergy is developed.Eat things labelled nut free, that means it does not contain nuts or nut particles.

Substitue tree nuts with coconut, seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, beans, soy beans, dried soy beans, peas.

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